Hi, I'm Jérémie. I'm engaged in design and development.
I work with various media, mainly with free software, collaboratively with different people, on self-initiated projects alongside commissions.
I teach at Esadse and I am part of the random research lab.

bonjour/at/jeremienuel.fr, @jeremienuel, gitlab, github

  1. conditions.eco < work in progress >

    Participatory site for archiving theoretical and artistic textual resources that deal with the relationships between economy and creation.

    What I did : Editorial, design, Web development

    With whom: Émilie Perotto

  2. Carnet < work in progress >

    Quentin Lazzareschi's Research Notebook

    What I did : Editorial, design, Web development

    With whom: Quentin Lazzareschi

  3. Our Collaborative Tools

    Research platform for collaborative collaboration in art and design

    What I did : Web development, Editorial design

    With whom: Cléa Difabio, Benjamin Dumond

    Our Collaborative Tools

  4. Chambres d'echo

    A website in tribute to the work of the artist Agathe Herry

    What I did : Web development, Design

    With whom: Émilie Perotto

  5. As long as you don't steal, we share < 2024 > < work in progress >

    Talks, Discussions and workshop on free and collaborative culture, pirate care, copyleft.

    What I did : Editorial, design, Web development

    With whom: Jacopo Rasmi

    Where: Esadse, Saint-Étienne

    As long as you don't steal, we share As long as you don't steal, we share

  6. Incomplete Dark Alphabet < 2024 >

    Editorial and web to print system based on an image bank of Merryl Bouchereau's drawings

    What I did : Web development, Editorial and Graphic design

    With whom: Merryl Bouchereau

    Incomplete Dark Alphabet Incomplete Dark Alphabet

  7. Quick and Dirty < work in progress >

    Research group on strange and deviant narratives from internet culture

    What I did : Development, concept, design

    With whom: Kevin Zanin, Thibault Lepage, Jacopo Rasmi

    Where: Saint-Étienne, Grenoble

    Quick and Dirty Quick and Dirty

  8. Cirrus < 2023 >

    Portfolio for the Cirrus design studio

    What I did : Web development, Design

    With whom: Clémentine Mechri, Annabel Bonnard


  9. Tout maintenant < work in progress >

    Initially a proposition for the 2023 small file festival at the photographer gallery

    What I did : Development, design

    Tout maintenant

  10. Matthieu Barani

    Portfolio website for Matthieu Barani

    What I did : Web development, design

    With whom: Matthieu Barani

  11. Digital tools for collective practices < 2022 >

    Editorial and web to print system based on a wiki for an European funded pedagogical project

    What I did : Editorial, design, Web development

    With whom: Cléa DiFabio

    Where: Tallinn, Schwäbisch Gmünd and Saint-étienne

    Digital tools for collective practices

  12. Secret Studies < 2021 >

    Workshop's publication based on the content of a wiki

    What I did : Development, Design

    With whom: Jacopo Rasmi

    Secret Studies Secret Studies Secret Studies Secret Studies

  13. Nothing wild in particular < 2020 >

    Generative text program trained on Philip K. Dick texts, show in the Valis Exhibition at Ars Electronica

    What I did : Development, Concept

    Where: Linz, Austria

    Nothing wild in particular

  14. Request for comments < 2020 >

    A python script download content based on key words and generate a book

    What I did : Python development, editorial and graphic design

    Request for comments

  15. Contexte x Plenty of room < 2019 >

    Participatory event system for real-time note-taking and image capture

    What I did : Web development, Design

    With whom: Maxime Bouton, Émile Greis

    Contexte x Plenty of room

  16. Revue Fig.

    Website for the architecture magazine Fig.

    What I did : Web development, Design

    With whom: Fanny Myon

    Revue Fig.

  17. Ceux-là devienne ce qu'ils ont lu < 2018 >

    Online library of artists' work

    What I did : Web development, design

    With whom: Stéphane Lemercier

    Ceux-là devienne ce qu'ils ont lu

  18. De la prise de parole sensible < 2018 >

    Monographic publication of the work of the artist Cindy Coutant, produced during a series of residencies in Nouvelle Aquitaine.

    What I did : Editorial, Graphic design

    With whom: Cindy Coutant

    De la prise de parole sensible De la prise de parole sensible De la prise de parole sensible

  19. Less Playboy is more Cowboy < 2018 >

    Graphic identity for the festival

    What I did : Graphic and 3D design, animation, web development

    With whom: Cindy Coutant

    Where: Poitiers

    Less Playboy is more Cowboy

  20. Undershoot < 2018 >

    Art residency

    What I did : Scenography, design

    With whom: Cindy Coutant

    Where: Bordeaux, Limoges, Poitiers


  21. Langage machine, esprit étendu < 2017 >

    Workshop with children for *Création en cours*

    What I did : Graphic design, Concept

    With whom: Cindy Coutant

    Langage machine, esprit étendu Langage machine, esprit étendu Langage machine, esprit étendu

  22. Peter Campus < 2017 >

    Peter Campus Monograph

    What I did : Graphic design

    With whom: Anne-Marie Duguet, David-Olivier Lartigaud, Damien Baïs

    Peter Campus Peter Campus Peter Campus

  23. Beyond Steven < 2017 >

    A twitter bot is generating quotes from Steven Seagals, shown at Art-o-Rama for the Recombinants.

    What I did : development, design

    With whom: Cindy Coutant

    Where: Les recombinants, Art-o-rama, Marseille

    Beyond Steven Beyond Steven

  24. Branded < 2015 >

    Branded Dance Party T-Shirt with Monogram

    What I did : Design

    With whom: Tim Paris


  25. Le lecteur face au numérique < 2015 >

    Residency at Mons, Belgium

    What I did : Web development, Editorial and Graphic design

    With whom: Camille Louis, Julie Morel

    Le lecteur face au numérique

  26. Dazed and Confused < 2012 >

    Custom typeface family for the editorial universe of *Dazed and Confused*

    What I did : Design

    With whom: Simon Renaud

    Dazed and Confused

  27. Musiques volantes < 2011 >

    Music festival

    What I did : Design

    With whom: Simon Renaud

    Where: Metz, France

    Musiques volantes Musiques volantes Musiques volantes